Power and Influence Online
Your source for achieving your goals by influencing others


Every power source contributes to your ability to influence others using any of the influence techniques. However, some power sources are more important than others, depending on the technique.
For instance, your ability to use logical persuading effectively depends upon the following power sources, from most important to less important: character, history (with the influencee), reputation, knowledge, expressiveness, and attraction.
Your ability to use socializing to influence others effectively depends on some of the same power sources, but in a different order of importance: character, attraction, history (with the influencee), reputation, and expressiveness. So in socializing, your attraction power is considerably more important.
You can easily see this difference in real life. Consider the very smart person with lesser social skills. This person may excel at influencing others with logical persuading but be inept at socializing. In contrast, a person with average knowledge but superior social skills is far better off trying to use social techniques to influence others.
The ten positive influence techniques are like tools in your influence toolbox. Your power sources are the fuel that makes those influence tools effectively. So it pays to know which influence techniques are best for your circumstance and which power sources you need to make them most effective. Fortunately, you can build all of these sources of power, and you can learn to use the influence techniques more effectively.
Fundamentals of Power & Influence.
No one wants to feel powerless. We all want to be influential, to achieve our goals and make a difference. This website will help you understand how power and influence work. Based on decades of research, the site will show you how to build your power base and influence others more effectively.