Power in people is like power in batteries. The higher the voltage of a battery, the more electromotive force it can deliver and thus the more impact it can have. A 1,000-volt battery is far more powerful than a 10-volt battery. Likewise, people with greater sources of power are better able to lead and influence others than people with fewer and lesser sources of power. The more powerful you are, the more influence you will have.
The Eleven Sources of Power
Knowledge power: what you know and what you can do. Your knowledge as well as your skills, talents, and abilities.
Expressiveness power: your ability to communicate powerfully and effectively in speech and writing.
History power: shared experiences, familiarity, and trust with people close to you.
Attraction power: your ability to cause others to like you and want to be with you.
Character power: your character, including your integrity, honesty, fairness, courage, kindness, modesty, prudence.
Role power: power derived from your role in an organization. The legitimate power and authority vested in your role.
Resource power: your ownership or control of important resources (such as wealth or natural resources).
Information power: your access to and control of information.